Thursday, December 16, 2010

omg omg!!! the last chapter!!!!

omg so i was a good chapter!:]] it totally influenced on how people should really think! I thought the only sad part was when Marija told jurgis that her life couldn't go on with on prostitution; and that that was the only way of her getting money. I thought he reacted fine to it. Over all the book was a good book i think Jurgis found out alot of things about life and him self. Yes maybe be turned in to a different person but over all he changed for the best; and he is going to do better in life and all. I thought it was nice how he moved up in a higher society of working class. I guess i liked how the book ended.. At least it ended!:]

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Chapters 29-30:]

So chapter 29, I think that it was the most boring thing in the world! In this chapter he meets a man; his name is Ostrinski. was telling them that he lived in the world of freedom. and that he was a free man. This man starts talking about socialism and how bad it is. He was calling the economy a wage slavery. I felt this chapter this was very pointless because i kinda got lost in the words. The next chapter was a little more interesting he goes and visits Teta Elizebita and she is so happy to see him. I think that this is good because the thing with family is that they will always be there and i was happy she didn't turn her head to her. In this chapter he also got a job:]] And gets $30.00! This is a good chapter so far things are getting just a bit better:]

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Chapter 27-28:]] December 8th 2010

So This reading was pretty up and down again. I feel that this book will never have stable happiness. I guess that just how life is. So lets See... Chapter 27, Jurgis losses his job, and cant find another. With the strike going on he doesn't have much of a chance of finding one either. Since he was getting easy money like nothing being poor totally got to him and he was not liking it. So me meets this lady who knows where Marija is at and Jurgis goes and visits her. But when he finds out that its a brothel. This makes me real sad i mean selling your body is really big and that just shows how bad life really was:[. So next chapter, 28 He goes to this trail and he get no penalty:]] happy day to him. I was kinds surprised the Judge didn't recognize him, but then again the judge sees millions of people. He keeps trying to find a job but I'm pretty sure he wont find one because of all the strikes and all. OMG worst part of the book is that Marija gets addicted from morphine:[ ughh sadness all over again. I mean that really sucks that he finally goes back to his family and find out all these bad things about the. I'm ready to be done with book its way to sad!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

mmmmm chapet 26....short>>FOR ONCE!

So ummm okai so this chapter was a pretty cheerful one i like it :]].. I thought it was pretty tight that they did a strike.. I mean i don't blame them because the factory place got shut down. Any ways so Jurgis is having everything term upside down. I thought it was pretty cool that he asked for a 3 dollar raise an actually got it like nothing... So then He gets asked to be the boss of the killing bed. I think this is tight because he end up being nothing to something! My favorite part was when he saw the guy who raped his wife and attacked him.. yaahhh!!! that's right that stupid man had to pay up for it some how, and yes violence in this case was needed!:D butt mmmm yeah he goes to jail again! dang he might as well live there.. Anyways its a pretty chill chapter.. I enjoyed it:]

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Jungle>> pages 23-36

So the jungle islike a never ending rollercoaster!!! I kinda want to gett off it already! jaja:]
i mean who doesnt! But ugggheh ovr all Mr. JB chose a chill book tooo long but chill.
Anyways So chapters 23 all strts out that Jurgis gets a job in Chicago as building railroad fraights. So yeah badluck comes along and Jurgis brakes his arm...AGAIN! So he goesto the hospital and he spends christmas alone...AGAIN! Once he gets out he has no where to go so hes really cold and all. Next chapter 24, He cant fina a job and he meets this tight dude, Freddie J!:] wwwoohooo nice dude.. and he is rich;] lol so umm yea he give him the privlage of coming to his house!! and then he gives him a $100 dollar bill:D yay!! but then stupid people like the buttler had to be born!!! And stupid him had to kick him out:[.. So ten next chapter,He goes and changes the money at the saloon like a dum a??! And that stupid man gives him .95 cents!! waaowww what a losser and umm yeah he totally beats the crap out of him and then he goes to jail.....AGAIN! but 10 days this time. So he gets out gets in to the wrong pat o mugging people earns $50 bucks. Thes finally stops that non-sence and gets a job as a hog trimmer...what ever that is:] and yeah that all....:]]
nice readding!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

chapter 20-22:]]

So In chapter 20-22 there was many things going up and down. In this first chapter he is in much confusion. He really doesn't know what to do with his life and he actually starts noticing he really did love Ona and he didn't really cherish her. Elzbieta told him to get up and do something with his life because he had to pull him self together for his son. Ona left him the last memory of her and he should work hard to keep him with him. I thought it was nice he still would look for jobs even thought they would reject him because he was on the blacklist. So the next chapter, 21 e got a job and then suddenly they cut him off like nothing! This make Jurgis feel really helpless because they don't even give him time to think what to do next. So i thought it was real sad how the little kid had to go to the garbage and look for food. I Thought it was nice that he got a new job because of the lady that recommended him. Once he got the job he started dreaming again and thinking about what to do next. But till he got home and found that his baby drowned and died!;[ So the next chapter 22, he left he walks to no where and anywhere. I thought this really helped him because he didn't go to alcohol he just walked away. Maybe its not the best way to work out a problem but he didn't have anything to live for anyway. Why not just start out a new begging. I liked yet not liked these chapters.. I really don't know what to expect next...?