Thursday, December 2, 2010

chapter 20-22:]]

So In chapter 20-22 there was many things going up and down. In this first chapter he is in much confusion. He really doesn't know what to do with his life and he actually starts noticing he really did love Ona and he didn't really cherish her. Elzbieta told him to get up and do something with his life because he had to pull him self together for his son. Ona left him the last memory of her and he should work hard to keep him with him. I thought it was nice he still would look for jobs even thought they would reject him because he was on the blacklist. So the next chapter, 21 e got a job and then suddenly they cut him off like nothing! This make Jurgis feel really helpless because they don't even give him time to think what to do next. So i thought it was real sad how the little kid had to go to the garbage and look for food. I Thought it was nice that he got a new job because of the lady that recommended him. Once he got the job he started dreaming again and thinking about what to do next. But till he got home and found that his baby drowned and died!;[ So the next chapter 22, he left he walks to no where and anywhere. I thought this really helped him because he didn't go to alcohol he just walked away. Maybe its not the best way to work out a problem but he didn't have anything to live for anyway. Why not just start out a new begging. I liked yet not liked these chapters.. I really don't know what to expect next...?


  1. I no what you mean i dont know what to expect to do either, girlyy. I REALLY LIKE all your info.

    xoxo-CLAIREEE :)

  2. Elena,
    I liked how you had detailed information about what happened in these chapters and your responces were good. Good Job!
